If you do not see the Palette window in the upper right corner of the IDE,
choose Window > Palette.
1. Start by selecting a
Panel from the Swing Containers category on Palette and drop it onto the
2. While the JPanel is
highlighted, go to the Properties window and click the ellipsis (...) button
next to Border to choose a border style.
3. In the Border dialog,
select TitledBorder from the list, and type in Number Addition in the Title field. Click OK to save the
changes and exit the dialog.
4. You should now see an
empty titled JFrame that says Number Addition like in the screenshot. Look at
the screenshot and add three JLabels, three JTextFields and three JButtons as
you see above.
Renaming the Components
In this step we are going to rename the display text of the components that
were just added to the JFrame.
1. Double-click jLabel1 and change the text property to First Number
2. Double-click jLabel2 and change the text to Second Number
3. Double-click jLabel3 and change the text to Result
4. Delete the sample text
from jTextField1. You can make the display text editable
by right-clicking the text field and choosing Edit Text from the popup menu.
You may have to resize the jTextField1 to its original size. Repeat this step for jTextField2 and jTextField3.
5. Rename the display
text of jButton1 to Clear. (You can edit a button's text by
right-clicking the button and choosing Edit Text. Or you can click the button,
pause, and then click again.)
6. Rename the display
text of jButton2 to Add.
7. Rename the display
text of jButton3 to Exit.
Your Finished GUI should now look like the following screenshot:

In this exercise we are going to give functionality to the Add, Clear, and
Exit buttons. The jTextField1 and jTextField2 boxes will be used for user input andjTextField3 for program output - what we are creating is a very simple calculator.
Let's begin.
Making the Exit Button Work
In order to give function to the buttons, we have to assign an event
handler to each to respond to events. In our case we want to know when the
button is pressed, either by mouse click or via keyboard. So we will use
ActionListener responding to ActionEvent.
1. Right click the Exit
button. From the pop-up menu choose Events > Action > actionPerformed.
Note that the menu contains many more events you can respond to! When you
select the actionPerformed event, the IDE will automatically add an ActionListener to the Exit button
and generate a handler method for handling the listener's actionPerformed
2. The IDE will open up
the Source Code window and scroll to where you implement the action you want
the button to do when the button is pressed (either by mouse click or via
keyboard). Your Source Code window should contain the following lines:
3. private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent
evt) {
4. //TODO add your handling code here:
5. We are now going to
add code for what we want the Exit Button to do. Replace the TODO line with System.exit(0);. Your finished Exit button code should
look like this:
6. private void
jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
7. System.exit(0);
Making the Clear Button Work
1. Click the Design tab
at the top of your work area to go back to the Form Design.
2. Right click the Clear
button (jButton1). From the pop-up menu select Events
> Action > actionPerformed.
3. We are going to have
the Clear button erase all text from the jTextFields. To do this, you will add
some code like above. Your finished source code should look like this:
4. private void
jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt){
5. jTextField1.setText("");
6. jTextField2.setText("");
7. jTextField3.setText("");
The above code changes the text in all three of our JTextFields to nothing,
in essence it is overwriting the existing Text with a blank.
Making the Add Button Work
The Add button will perform three actions.
1. It is going to accept
user input from jTextField1 and jTextField2 and convert the input from a type String to a float.
2. It will then perform
addition of the two numbers.
3. And finally, it will
convert the sum to a type String and place it in jTextField3.
Lets get started!
1. Click the Design tab
at the top of your work area to go back to the Form Design.
2. Right-click the Add
button (jButton2). From the pop-up menu, select Events
> Action > actionPerformed.
3. We are going to add
some code to have our Add button work. The finished source code shall look like
4. private void
jButton2ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt){
5. // First we define float variables.
6. float num1, num2, result;
7. // We have to parse the text to a type
8. num1 =
9. num2 =
// Now we can perform the addition.
result = num1+num2;
// We will now pass the value of result to jTextField3.
// At the same time, we are going to
// change the value of result from a float to a string.
Our program is now complete we can now build and run it to see it in
To run the program in the IDE:
1. Choose Run > Run
Main Project (alternatively, press F6).
Note: If you get a window informing you that Project NumberAddition does not have
a main class set, then you should selectmy.NumberAddition.NumberAdditionUI as the main class in the same window and click the OK button.
To run the program outside of the IDE:
1. Choose Run >
Clean and Build Main Project (Shift-F11) to build the application JAR file.
2. Using your system's
file explorer or file manager, navigate to the NumberAddition/dist directory.
Note: The location of the NumberAddition project directory depends on the path you specified while creating the
project in step 3 of the Exercise 1: Creating a Project section.
3. Double-click the NumberAddition.jar file.
After a few seconds, the application should start.
Note: If double-clicking the JAR file does not
launch the application, see this article for information on setting JAR file associations in your operating system.
You can also launch the application from the command line.
To launch the application from the command line:
1. On your system, open
up a command prompt or terminal window.
2. In the command prompt,
change directories to the NumberAddition/dist directory.
3. At the command line,
type the following statement:
java -jar NumberAddition.jar
Note: Make sure my.NumberAddition.NumberAdditionUI is set as the main class before running the application. You can check this
by right-clicking the NumberAddition project node in the Projects pane,
choosing Properties in the popup menu, and selecting the Run category in the
Project Properties dialog box. The Main Class field should display my.numberaddition.NumberAdditionUI.
This tutorial has showed how to respond to a simple button event. There are
many more events you can have your application respond to. The IDE can help you
find the list of available events your GUI components can handle:
1. Go back to the file NumberAdditionUI.java in the Editor. Click
the Design tab to see the GUI's layout in the GUI Builder.
2. Right-click any GUI
component, and select Events from the pop-up menu. For now, just browse the
menu to see what's there, you don't need to select anything.
3. Alternatively, you can
select Properties from the Window menu. In the Properties window, click the
Events tab. In the Events tab, you can view and edit events handlers associated
with the currently active GUI component.
4. You can have your
application respond to key presses, single, double and triple mouse clicks,
mouse motion, window size and focus changes. You can generate event handlers
for all of them from the Events menu. The most common event you will use is an
Action event. (Learn best practices for Event handling from Sun's Java Events Tutorial.)
How does event handling work? Every time you select an event from the Event
menu, the IDE automatically creates a so-called event listener for you, and
hooks it up to your component. Go through the following steps to see how event
handling works.
1. Go back to the file NumberAdditionUI.java in the Editor. Click
the Source tab to see the GUI's source.
2. Scroll down and note
the methods jButton1ActionPerformed(), jButton2ActionPerformed(), and jButton3ActionPerformed() that you just implemented. These methods are called event handlers.
3. Now scroll to a method
called initComponents(). If you do not see
this method, look for a line that says Generated Code; click the + sign next to it to expand the collapsed initComponents() method.
4. First, note the blue
block around the initComponents() method. This code was auto-generated by the IDE and you cannot edit it.
5. Now, browse through
the initComponents() method. Among other things, it contains the code that initializes and
places your GUI components on the form. This code is generated and updated
automatically while you place and edit components in the Design view.
6. In initComponents(), scroll down to where it reads
7. jButton3.setText("Exit");
8. jButton3.addActionListener(new
java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
9. public void
actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
This is the spot where
an event listener object is added to the GUI component; in this case, you
register an ActionListener to the jButton3. The ActionListener interface has an actionPerformed method taking
ActionEvent object which is implemented simply by calling your jButton3ActionPerformed event handler. The
button is now listening to action events. Everytime it is pressed an
ActionEvent is generated and passed to the listener's actionPerformed method
which in turn executes code that you provided in the event handler for this
Generally speaking, to be able to respond, each interactive GUI component
needs to register to an event listener and needs to implement an event handler.
As you can see, NetBeans IDE handles hooking up the event listener for you, so
you can concentrate on implementing the actual business logic that should be
triggered by the event.
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